Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Upward spiral
Take the world as it is and add the value of your effort and love to it. Embrace the moment when it comes and give meaning to it.Accept what exists and serve as the bridge to what can be. Imagine all that’s possible and move toward the best of what you imagine.Each experience brings new…
Vigorous supporter
What can stop you most effectively is you. What can stop you most routinely is you.Fortunately you don’t have to let that happen. You have control over your thoughts and actions, and you can exercise that control to benefit yourself and your world.Various circumstances arise, with their obstacles, interruptions, frustrations, pains and discouragements. As difficult…
People will notice
It would be great if the values that you treasure were widely supported and encouraged by others. Yet even if very few other people share your values, you can still benefit from them.It’s not really advisable or even possible to force your values on others. What is possible, though, is to continue finding new and…
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